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#1: How can I create the screenshot and save into file?

In the next code I show how you can save in the file the current desktop image:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var DCDesk: HDC; // hDC of Desktop
  bmp: TBitmap;
  {Create a bitmap}
  bmp := TBitmap.Create;
  {Set a bitmap sizes}
  bmp.Height := Screen.Height;
  bmp.Width := Screen.Width;

  {Get a desktop DC handle - handle of a display device context}
  DCDesk := GetWindowDC(GetDesktopWindow);
  {Copy to any canvas, here canvas of an image}
  BitBlt(bmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Screen.Width, Screen.Height,
         DCDesk, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

  {Save the bitmap}

  {Release desktop DC handle}
  ReleaseDC(GetDesktopWindow, DCDesk);

  {Release a bitmap}

Published: July 29, 1999

See also
Paradox to Text converter
dBase Viewer
DBISAM Password Recovery
ABA Database Convert
DBExport tools
Viewer for TNEF-files (winmail.dat)
Database Information Manager
Paradox Viewer

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